Dr Trystan Watson is group leader of photovoltaics at the SPECIFIC Innovation and knowledge centre, based at Swansea University. SPECIFICs aim is to turn buildings into powerstations using functional coatings that capture, store and release energy. Trystan started his academic career with a Chemistry degree at Swansea University before transferring in 2001 to the College of Engineering to carry out a Doctorate in Steel Technology. In 2005 Trystan then moved to Corus Strip Products (now Tata Steel) as a product development engineer in new steel products. In 2007 Trystan returned to academia to take up a post-doctoral research position on the development of dye-sensitized solar cells on metal substrates. In 2011 Trystan became the lead in the photovoltaics scale-up activity at SPECIFIC growing the group to over 15 in 4 years publishing over 70 papers during this period. His current research area is thin film printed PV in particular perovskite with a specialism in developing new technologies for the manufacture of these devices including deposition and curing processes.
Third generation solar cells from laboratory to factory; developing a scale-up route for perovskite solar cells
Cotella, G., Baker, J., Worsley, D., De Rossi, F., Pleydell-Pearce, C., Carnie, M., & Watson, T.
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 159, 362–369 (2017)
Troughton, J., Bryant, D., Wojciechowski, K., Carnie, M. J., Snaith, H., Worsley, D.A ., & Watson, T. M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3(17), 9141–9145 (2015)
Troughton, J., Charbonnaeu, C., Carnie, M. J., Davies, M. L., Worsley, D. A., & Watson, T. M.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9123–9127 (2015)
Bryant, D., Greenwood, P., Troughton, J., Wijdekop, M., Carnie, M., Davies, M. K Wojciechowski, H. Snaith , T. Watson, Worsley, D.
Advanced Materials, 26(44), 7499–7504 (2014)
Williams, A. E., Holliman, P. J., Carnie, M. J., Davies, M. L., Worsley, D.A., & Watson, T. M.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2(45), 19338–19346 (2014)

Associate Professor
Swansea University