Maria Antonietta Loi was born in Quartu Sant’Elena (Ca) in 1973. She studied physics at the University of Cagliari in Italy where she received the PhD in 2001. In the same year she joined the Linz Institute for Organic Solar cells, of the University of Linz, Austria as a post doctoral fellow. Later she worked as researcher at the Institute for Nanostructured Materials of the Italian National Research Council in Bologna Italy. In 2006 she became assistant professor and Rosalind Franklin Fellow at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. She is now full professor in the same institution and chair of the Photophysics and OptoElectronics group and head of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University College of the University of Groningen.
She has published more than 140 peer review articles (H-index 40) in photophysics and optoelectronics of nanomaterials. In 2012 she has received an ERC starting Grant. She is cluster leader "Functional materials" of Materials Innovation Institute. She serves associated editor of Applied Physics Letters and she is member of the international advisory board of Advanced Electronic Materials and Advanced Materials Interfaces.
Hybrid perovskites: trap states photophysics and device signatures
M. J. Speirs, D. N. Dirin, M. Abdu-Aguye, D. M. Balazs, M. V. Kovalenko and M. A. Loi
Energy Environmental Science, 9, 2916 (2016)
H. –H. Fang, S. Adjokatse, H. Wei, J. Yang, G. R. Blake, J. Huang, J. Even, M. A. Loi
Science Advances, 2, e1600534 (2016)
S. Shao, M. Abdu-Aguye, L. Qiu, L.-H. Lai, J. Liu, S. Adjokatse, F. Jahani, M. E. Kamminga, G. ten Brink, T. T. M. Palstra, J. C. Hummelen, M. A. Loi
Energy & Environmental Science 9, 2444 (2016)
D. M. Balazs, D. N. Dirin, H. H. Fang, L. Protesescu, G. H. ten Brink, B. J. Kooi, M. V. Koyalenko, M. A. Loi
ACS Nano 9, 11951 (2015)
W. Gomulya, V. Derenskyi, E. Kozma, M. Pasini, M. A. Loi
Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 5858 (2015)

Professor of Photophysics and Optoelectronics
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen

Associate editor
Applied Physics Letters