Another prestigious goal for CHOSE, just back from the international scene. It is the result of the presence of CHOSE at the EXPO dedicated to the future of energy, housed in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan, from 10 July to 10 September 2017.

In order to this important event, the first one for an Asian country, in the frame of the very suggestive setting of the italian pavilion designed by the architect Paolo Desideri Team, the Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" has been selected by the Lazio Region to represent one of the excellence more in line with strategic actions aimed at ecological sustainability.
The results of innovative researches performed at CHOSE found their proper space within a communicative and futuristic environment, where it was also possible to watch, on plexiglas slabs that can be activated in the presence of viewers, some avatars of scientists and entrepreneurs telling their experience. In this exceptional context, the avatar dedicated to the innovation of CHOSE, played by Aldo Di Carlo, the Coordinator of the Research Group, has been clearly and effectively explaining the project devoted to increase the energy efficiency of photovoltaic panels of third generation through the combined use of perovskite (PSC) and graphene.
In particular, through the innovative use of perovskite for the production of hybrid printable photovoltaic panels (based on organic and inorganic components) it has been achieved an unprecedented efficiency (12.6%). However, this is a high-tech solution based on another key player, the graphene, which ensures the maintenance of efficiency even in large area panels.

Under this point of view, the photovoltaic for the future energy seems to be an already actual attainment, able to combine, for human health and our planet, clean energy, environmental sustainability, and efficiency while assuring cost-effectiveness towards the extraordinary goal of a large-scale production.
Carla Cenci - University of Rome "Tor Vergata"